We're a nonprofit commissary kitchen helping small culinary businesses start, scale, and thrive.
Help Us Get Cooking!
Founded by the same folks who put together our region’s vibrant, year-round farmers market, Riverside Farmers Market, and operated by well-known Northern Nevada food businesses Italian Hearts Pasta Sauce & Sasquatch Crackers; Nourish & Flourish Kitchen & Market is Reno's NEW commissary, commercial kitchen space.
We’re on a mission is to create a community-supported incubator space where chefs and bakers can actualize their culinary dreams of owning a small business and taking their products to the commercial level.
We have created a Go Fund Me page to make it easy for anyone who loves to eat support our vision of cultivating a vibrant culinary ecosystem where local farmers, food producers, and entrepreneurs can thrive.
Your donations to Nourish & Flourish are tax deductible (we're a registered 501(c)3) and contribute to being an integral part of a thriving food scene where entrepreneurs can try out their ideas without the massive cost of opening their own spaces PLUS benefit from the connectivity and collaboration a shared space provides.
This community kitchen defines of local: they live here, they use local produce and meats for their businesses, which supports local farms. They sell their food within the community at our local stores and markets, and they hire their friends and neighbors to work with them, which means that any money donated to our campaign stays right here in our community: in Reno!
With your support we promise to nourish our local talent and give back to the community from which we draw so much inspiration.
Please Donate Today:
We need your help to make this dream kitchen come true. We had grant funding to help us lease a building, and we've filled it out with all the things chefs and bakers need; but we weren't able to open as soon as we were hoping due to unforeseen health department hurdles ... but we're soo close and just need a little support from our community to get open and start serving you the freshest and tastiest of foods. Please consider donating today!
Become a part of Reno's culinary legacy!
It really takes a village to bring important projects to life. Thank you to each person who has helped us with this immense community offering!
Adam Mueller
Catherine Bengtson
Corey Crago
Deborah Vonarx
Doreen Avila
Edible Reno-Tahoe Amanda & Jaci
Eva Ruiz
Fausta Apambire
Iris & Tom Stille
Jan Gilbert
Janet Walford
Jeff Galieti
Jennifer Adams
Jerome Elcano
Joe Bertotti
Jolene Cook
Julie Keller
Karen Boeger
Kasey Crispin
Kathy Schwerin
Kelly Crispin
Kelly Crispin
Kimberly Young
Lakshmi Albright
Laura Conrow
Lindsey Adams
Lynn Case
Maria Jenkins
Maria Therese Normal
Mariana Webb
MaryAlice Galt
Melissa Fant
Melissa Gilbert
Mitchell Gerbus
Patricia Moen
Rachael Davis
Rebekah Stetson
Reina Branum
Sarah Patton
Sierra Jickling
Tanya Bergel
Therese Rice-Dietrich
Valerie Nelson